
Engine for converting dealer-syntax expressions into evaluatable Python functions. You should not need to use this directly unless you are developing your own functions, as most functions accept strings as well as functions and automatically compile them using the machinery in this module.



Provides an interface for evaluating constraints in the Dealer program syntax and testing them against a deal

class endplay.dealer.constraint.ConstraintInterpreter

Bases: object

Provides an interface for evaluating constraints in the Dealer program syntax and testing them against a deal


_dispatch_function(node, deal)

_dispatch_operator(node, deal)

_evaluate_shape(node, shape)

_fn_cccc(node, deal)

_fn_control(node, deal)

_fn_hascard(node, deal)

_fn_hcp(node, deal, scale)

_fn_if(node, deal)

_fn_imps(node, deal)

_fn_loser(node, deal)

_fn_quality(node, deal)

_fn_score(node, deal)

_fn_shape(node, deal)

_fn_suit(node, deal)

_fn_trick(node, deal)

_op_add(node, deal)

_op_and(node, deal)

_op_div(node, deal)

_op_equal(node, deal)

_op_geq(node, deal)

_op_greater(node, deal)

_op_leq(node, deal)

_op_less(node, deal)

_op_mod(node, deal)

_op_mul(node, deal)

_op_not(node, deal)

_op_notequal(node, deal)

_op_or(node, deal)

_op_sub(node, deal)

evaluate(node, deal)

Evaluate an expression tree over a specific deal into a logical or arithmetic type



The value of the named environment variable


Convert an expression tree (or string) into an anonymous function accepting a single Deal argument and returning the expression evaluated over this deal


Parse an expression string into a syntax tree


Reinitialise the environment to the default values

set_env(name, value)

Insert a new variable into the interpreter's environment or change the value of an existing variable


Remove an variable from the interpreter's environment.





_dispatch_function(node, deal)
_dispatch_operator(node, deal)
_evaluate_shape(node, shape)
_fn_cccc(node, deal)
_fn_control(node, deal)
_fn_hascard(node, deal)
_fn_hcp(node, deal, scale)
_fn_if(node, deal)
_fn_imps(node, deal)
_fn_loser(node, deal)
_fn_quality(node, deal)
_fn_score(node, deal)
_fn_shape(node, deal)
_fn_suit(node, deal)
_fn_trick(node, deal)
_op_add(node, deal)
_op_and(node, deal)
_op_div(node, deal)
_op_equal(node, deal)
_op_geq(node, deal)
_op_greater(node, deal)
_op_leq(node, deal)
_op_less(node, deal)
_op_mod(node, deal)
_op_mul(node, deal)
_op_not(node, deal)
_op_notequal(node, deal)
_op_or(node, deal)
_op_sub(node, deal)
_re_namedpt = re.compile('(?:tens?)|(?:jacks?)|(?:queens?)|(?:kings?)|(?:aces?)|(?:top[2-5])|(?:c13)')
_re_pt = re.compile('(?:pt[0-9])')
_re_suit = re.compile('(?:spades?)|(?:hearts?)|(?:diamonds?)|(?:clubs)')
evaluate(node: Union[Node, str], deal: Deal) float

Evaluate an expression tree over a specific deal into a logical or arithmetic type

get_env(name: str) Any

The value of the named environment variable

lambdify(node: Union[Node, str]) Callable[[Deal], Union[float, int, bool]]

Convert an expression tree (or string) into an anonymous function accepting a single Deal argument and returning the expression evaluated over this deal


node – The root of the expression tree, or a string containing an expression

parse(s: str) Node

Parse an expression string into a syntax tree


Reinitialise the environment to the default values

set_env(name: str, value: Any)

Insert a new variable into the interpreter’s environment or change the value of an existing variable

  • name – The name of the environment variable

  • value – The new value of the variable

unset_env(name: str)

Remove an variable from the interpreter’s environment. Attempting to remove an essential variable (one of the ptN scale definitions) throws an error


name – The name of the variable to remove